
Episodic director

"Uncle Styopa" — first animation show, produced by Merkator animation studio. First season of the show includes 12 episodes by 6 minutes.
Second season was scheduled, i  drew and edited 5 episodes for it.
Animatics contains reference sound FX and music, and some specific 3d camera movements.

Main concept of the show is to teach children how to behaviour themselves in various emergency situations. I tried to focus on action part of the scripts, not giving too much explanations and dry facts.


Merkator animation — production,

Stanislav Ushakov — supervision director,

Dmitry Nekrasov — episodic director,

Episode length — 6 min.


ep. #18, "Graffities & barrels"

ep. #20, "Rescue station"

ep. #22, "Golden fever"

ep. #23, "Robots firing up"

ep. #24, "Fire & ice"

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